Today, the requirements for membership are relatively simple: Although each group, or Lodge, of Freemasons has its own rules, in general a Freemason must be a male recommended by other members of the Lodge, believe in a “Supreme Being”, have good moral character and pledge to learn the ways of brotherhood along with ancient customs. These customs include a strict hierarchy and a variety of ceremonies and rituals
What do they have in common Rev. Jesse Jackson, George Washington, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Duke Ellington and Buzz Aldrin? All are members of the world’s largest secret society, the Freemasons – a group whose members include some of the world’s most influential people and whose secret rituals have continued for centuries. Conspiracy theorists speculate that the group pulls the strings of international power and finance and is responsible for high-profile murders – some even claim its members worship Satan. Where is the line between fact and fiction within this secret society?
Although the Freemasonry movement has its roots in the medieval guilds of stonemasons, the vast majority of the movement’s members are not master stonemasons. It is believed that as the membership of the Stonemasons dwindled, the group began accepting honorary members to bolster their numbers. The modern incarnation of Freemasonry dates back to the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century, when educated Englishmen aimed to communicate with others and discuss matters of philosophy, religion and life in an organized setting.
Fraternal organizations had existed for centuries, but in the 18th century, a number of men’s groups named after the English pubs in which they met joined together in what they called the Grand Lodge, an association that met to hold rituals and ceremonies and induct new members. Known today as the Premier Grand Lodge of England, the group was the first of its kind, and as membership expanded, so did the list of secret rituals and ceremonies and membership requirements. According to the Masonic Service Association of North America, there were approximately 898,000 Freemasons in the US as of 2020, and there are approximately 6 million Freemasons worldwide.
Today, the requirements for membership are relatively simple: Although each group, or Lodge, of Freemasons has its own rules, in general a Freemason must be a male recommended by other members of the Lodge, believe in a “Supreme Being”, have good moral character and pledge to learn the ways of brotherhood along with ancient customs. These customs include a strict hierarchy and a variety of ceremonies and rituals. After being initiated into their lodge, members move through a series of “grades” of membership, rising from Entered Apprentice to Fellowcraft to Master Mason. Along the way, they learn the language, rites and beliefs of the “craft”, engaging in rituals that pertain to biblical beliefs. They also adopt emblems ranging from the square and compass, which represents morality, the beehive, which is said to represent cooperation and work among members, and the “Eye of Providence” or “All-Seeing Eye,” which represents the eternal vigilance of to God Some of these symbols are so familiar – for example, the Eye of Providence can be found on US dollar bills.
When they are not maintaining the elaborate rituals of membership, Freemasons often engage in community service and philanthropy, provide mutual support to members, or work with affiliated organizations. But despite this charitable focus and the fact that it is not a formal religion, Freemasonry is not universally accepted. In fact, Freemasonry is prohibited by Catholicism, which prohibits Catholics from joining and encourages them to associate with Catholic organizations such as the Knights of Columbus.
“Their principles have always been considered undesirable by Church doctrine and membership in them therefore remains prohibited,” the Church declared in 1983. Holy.” As Ed Condon of the Catholic Herald explains, the Church opposes Freemasonry because of its secular focus and its role as a sanctuary for “those with heterodox ideas and agendas.”
Those agendas have long fueled controversy because of the political power wielded by some Freemasons. Although the rules of most lodges discourage members from discussing politics, many of its members are active in political parties and government. The organization’s secrecy and brotherhood vows have given rise to conspiracy theories about the political agendas of its members. Most conspiracy theories speculate that all Freemasons share the same beliefs and act as one body, tying in with modern anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that link the group to a dubious “New World Order” that controls finance and international relations.
As a result, Freemasonry has become iconic in popular culture and among non-members who are intrigued by its dubious rituals. However, membership has been declining for years. Why this decline? Some link it to a larger trend among fraternal organizations and service clubs like the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, which have seen steep declines over the decades. Others attribute the decline in membership to the movement’s refusal to admit women, despite the existence of several all-female lodges.
Or perhaps the decline is due to increased public awareness of the movement’s once-secret rituals, says historian John Dickie. “I think maybe the point is that secrecy has lost some of its magic,” Dickie said. We live in an age where it can take two minutes or less to Google to find out what the Masons’ secrets really are.
Despite the controversy and condemnation, the movement lives on – but only time can tell if Freemasonry will remain relevant in the 21st century. Meanwhile, its members say they see Freemasonry as everything from a powerful brotherhood to a chance to give back to the community, to what one English member calls “an avenue for personal growth and development.” For now, the rituals and secret symbols of Freemasonry live on – along with the influence of its most popular members.